Speedy, intelligent & secure search for WordPress

ElasticPress.io is a hosting service that connects your WordPress site to search hosting for faster and more complete search.

We play well with others

ElasticPress.io is designed to integrate with almost any type of WordPress hosting or provider, giving you everything you need to add modern search to your site in minutes.


Offload queries for searches and content-heavy views in the WordPress dashboard, so that your visitors find what they want and content creators can spend more time creating content.


Tailor results to improve the search experience for your visitors and customers using the Weighting Engine and Custom Results Editor, built right into your site’s Dashboard.


Our NoSQL data engine responds to your site’s unique content, enabling you to search custom post types, categories, metadata, and more.

Lots of happy customers

“When we needed a powerful search solution for the world’s largest oral history archive with hundreds of metadata points per record, we chose ElasticPress.”

Martin Olson
Director of Digital & Technical Innovation